We're back from North Carolina, we had a wonderful time, lots to share but first.. there is something I desperately need to post and it was nagging me most of the week I was away.
As part of our trip I was so looking forward to great beach reading. All those pages in Pillars of the Earth waiting for me. My enjoyment disappeared as I came to a horrid passage, the rape of a 14 year old described in titillating detail by the rapist. I tried to skip but set my eyes back down on more filth. So the book went to the trash (despite the fact that DH was going to read it too).
Some may say I am over-reacting.
This is how I see it- The book was written for entertainment, a rape is not entertaining. It contributes to the overall distorted view of sex that the world in general has. Our culture is permeated with sexual images, the majority misrepresentative of the true meaning, nature and enjoyment of sex. Specifically it contributes to the idea of dominance and violence over women, in this case a child no less. In my life I have known too many women and girls whose lives have been forever changed by an act similar to this one. Some have recovered and live wonderful lives, I am grateful to know them and look up to their example. Others still struggle, decades after the abuse, and their children have suffered and who knows if the effects will become a curse on generations of their family. The effects of crimes like the one detailed in Ken Follett's book effect our society as a whole in such a negative way I cannot comprehend how wonderful our world would be without such horrid crimes.
This author wrote this passage, labored over just the right words, boldly put his name on it and receives huge amounts of money and praise for those words.
I regret buying this book, adding one more book to his best seller status, and one more dollar in his pocket. If I still had my receipt I would return it. I have taken my previous comments about it off this blog and I will be writing to Oprah for commending such a book and to Ken Follett for writing the piece of rotting rubbish.
So Mr. Ken Follett in the words of the movie Princess Bride, " Boo to the king of slime, the king of filth, the king of putrescence, boo, boo! Rubbish, slime, filth, muck! Boo, boo, boo!"
Addendum: While looking on Ken Follett's website for a way to email my questions I came across this question and comment that further sicken me:
"Is the sexual content of your books suitable for young teenagers?
Yes. Both 'The Eye of the Needle' and 'The Pillars of the Earth' are often recommended to fourteen-year-olds by their schools.