I woke with the sun and my achy knees. Last night I scrubbed the bathroom so I could sleep with satisfaction of accomplishing something toward allergy relief and my knees wanted to remind me of it. Being awake anyway I went for a dawn walk. There were:
6 squirrels, one of them dead
a house without a front door
3 rabbits
a bird house, meaning a regular size house with birds all over it and well pooped on. Hopefully for those who live there it is intentional.. the birds, not the poop.
over 50 headstones as I walked through the cemetary to remind myself that I still have many days left in which to accomplish innumerable great things.
peonies- red, pink, & white
dew on the grass
sun rising in the sky
Arriving home I felt much better, especially while taking a shower in my well scrubbed bathroom. Feeling better.
Here's a piece of Baby's birthday
She really went to town on that cake!
Posted by: Jules | May 30, 2008 at 08:52 AM