DH and I went out last night, much needed after the lunacy of the past few weeks.
We spent some of our time at Barnes and Noble. The local library doesn't have alot of new titles so when I'm interested in something I'd like current info on ol' B&N becomes my library. No, I don't feel guilty about this, after all why put a coffee shop and cushy chairs if you don't expect people to sit and stay a while? Although it does remind me of a line from the Simpsons, Apu: "Hey, hey, this is not a lending library. If you're not going to buy that thing put it down or I'll blow your heads off!"
These were the titles I investigated, the first I studied very intently and became depressed that I'm old to be starting down this road.
Along these lines, Baby may have milk sensitivities too. I'll just say this, when I got her out of bed this morning she went straight into the bathtub, did not pass go and did not collect $100.
(not an exact replica)
DH bought this:
I purchased nothing because there is a pile of books waiting by the bed and a Psych text that needs my attention. Upon arriving home I did read more in this though-
The Italy section was the best in my opinion, reminded me of Under the Tuscan Sun (book not movie, never the movie, poop on the movie) There were a few points of interest about relaxation and yoga but she is not the best writer for metaphysical stuff. ("stuff"- obviously I'm not one to write about it either).
IMO books and music always go well together. While writing this post and studying yesturday I enjoyed Jason Mraz's new album. More mello than his earlier work, but that's about par for me.
I think you are selling yourself short to say you are too old. The Women's Conference books are full of women who went back to school as their children got older and who have done all sorts of impressive things. Your just letting the world tell you you've wasted your time having children. Which is wrong, wrong, wrong. By being a mom you have more practical psychology experince than half of the people writing textbooks.
Posted by: readerMom | June 02, 2008 at 06:09 PM