Sorry if it disturbs anyone that I talk about vomit so frequently as of late but it just is.
A. threw up again Sunday night. So that 'crapped' out our plans for Memorial Day (ha ha a poop joke!). She has had 4 vomit and 'runny poop' episodes in two weeks. The nurse on call gasped in horror when she heard "vomit...two weeks". I explained between the episodes she claimed to be fine and through it all had no fever. So after my partnership in deduction with the nurse we think A. may be lactose intolerant. It sounds like a nice little expression 'intolerant' but 'lactose rejectaprojectile' would be a more apt description (I think I'll trademark it). So A. and I had a little discussion about no dairy products and bought the lactaid milk for cereal and some sorbet.
Today we went to the Dr. as a precaution thinking he would say, "YEP!" and send us on our merry way. After all it is only lactose 'intolerance'. Instead he referred us to a pediatric gastroenterologist and said A. needed blood tests. WHAT? No this is not to rule out insideous diseases, this is to diagnose the 'intolerance'. When we got to the car A. very cheerfully asked how they would get the blood for the tests. I did consider coming up with a 'blood fairytale' on the fly but then realized within a few hours I would be ratted out by the true life blood fairy. After telling my tale of horror (phrased in a lighthearted and nonchalant manner) she cried. After retrieving the favorite webkin from home, having a reassuring lunch with Dad and promises of a slurpee reward A. was wonderful for her blood letting.
It was emotional for me (no I did not cry) because this week marks the first time I ever waited in that hospital lab. Thinking about our fears for Baby's health in that first month of her life and then looking at her now, squeeling and squirming to wreak havoc on said room in all her year old glory, was almost more than I could stand. Tomorrow I'll share the big celebration with you.
In discussing all this with DH he said, "This year is by far our most expensive health year ever". It is true. Baby was in NICU for three days (felt like more) then falsely diagnosed with a birth defect, R.'s braces, Baby's RSV, my detective type Dr. appts, tests and meds, and now the same for A. I've always been proud of my health, especially once I became a runner. It is great to answer on medical forms that you don't drink, don't smoke, don't use drugs and exercise regularly. But as you've read in my posts I've been knocked down a notch.
So why? Why is this our biggest year for illness? We're in the right place if it has to happen, some of the best medical care in the East. Eating worse? Nope we've focused even more this last year on eating healthy. Environmental Factors? Well can't rule that out, we are less than an hour from New Jersey (joking!)
But seriously folks my answer came in my Personality Psychology textbook:
"Certain types of stress...affect immune functioning" (p.278)
A few months ago I took a health class that included a stress analysis (recent life experiences and conditions), at the beginning and end of the course. First time I rated certain to have an illness due to stress. Second time around it lowered to simply 'likely' to have illness due to stress.
So here we are now not just stressed but stressed and ill. Ok body, I give in, we will do less stress. I will start my less stress regimen by eating a bag of almond M&Ms and reading more in 'Eat Pray Love".
Oh peace and tranquility.....