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February 03, 2009


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I can be your first client! I have plenty of stories to tell, or, if you need a someone to write a paper about, I can help you out that way too! ;) We love American Idol too, and that's the first I've seen the scruffy faced Sting. Hmmmm. I'm going to need some time to process that one.


It wasn't the beard that had me concerned about Sting as much as the Gregorian Chants and other prehistoric music.
I'm partial to my Keith anyway.

As for a passion, I too feel that way about being a wife and mother. We had better feel that way don't you think?

Even now, with my husband unemployed, I struggle with feeling like my going to work is giving up something more important for everyone here at home. It just doesn't function the same when I've worked in the past. Not that it's terribly "functioning" when I'm not working, but there is definitely a different feeling in my home and in my kids , and hubby for that matter, when I am home full time.

Are the new meds helping? I may be going back to OTC drugs as we won't have health insurance.
I'm going to find the "wolves" book tomorrow. Have you ever read The Red Tent?


ooh, it's good to have a passion! I'm sure you'll be a fantastic therapist.

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