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March 12, 2009


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Hooray for comments! I'm happy I checked your blog today, on the very day you plead for comments! :)

This post made me smile. I'm like you -- I like comments.


I feel the same way. I am grateful that you read my blog because you are the only one that comments. And I know others do too. If this works for you I might try it on my own.


Hey no worries, I feel the same way about comments... the bad thing is the people who I blog for (mostly myself) but my parents and dave's relatives who live far away, most of them don't even understand the concept of blogging! So when they like something they just e-mail me! Its a whole other generation of people out there! I'm not an active commenter myself, maybe I'll change that!


ah, Jen-- I feel the same way(though you have to admit I comment here a lot, but I may quit if you never leave me any comments ;))

I'll admit to checking the sitemeter on other people's blogs(easy as pie) and wondering why they have 1/2 my readers but 67 comments?-- I've never admitted that bit of OCD to anyone before. Be careful with this valuable information.


Thank you for your comments! It seems we all like them, which makes sense. The interesting thing is- I'm usually reminded to visit your sites when you visit mine! :)

One way I'm trying to encourage more comments is by responding to comments within the comments (like this). Sometimes it gives the blog more of a dialog feel, which is what I like.

Michelle, I'll have to think about if I even want to know how much site traffic other people have, it would probably depress me.


You mean I can't quietly just read?! Shocking! It's like trying to talk and read at the same time. I'll try harder. (Grin!)

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