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March 13, 2009


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Is there something worse then bad? Is there a bad x3 for people who cant do anything right?


Becky, was it one of those days?

I have a friend who is a juvenile probation officer who often puts things into perspective for me. She asks if any of my children have been arrested this week. When I answer, "No". She tells me I am a wonderful mother. What a great friend!


I didn't think you had been to my house. :) Seriously, I have Grandma Morris counters if you know what I mean.



Hmm, I honestly don't think late=bad. I don't. And dentists are kinda mean.


Steph, You've got to know how much I meant the family exception. It endears me to family members, because it is how you know you are related, we have the same kind of dirty!

Michelle, I think, looking back on this post, it was about how I hate feeling the social judgement and pressure from others. Then I do it to myself as well. Being late is such a minor thing, but I am too much of a people pleaser. Not to run on and on but, I get worried that what I do reflects on my family and on the church. Just a little pressure for myself there.

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