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March 08, 2009


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That is a cool way to describe it...spiritual combat duty. You are doing good work and I'm glad you are surviving! I think soon you'll be thriving and then...well, then you'll probably move. Ha ha! I think of my son on his mission. Four months to go and he is thriving. He is so sad that he's coming home. (Not me though!)


I like the spiritual combat duty too, especially the part without the PTSD! :) I grew up in a similar ward as your children are, only we all spoke English. I wouldn't trade that to be a ward of 30 Young Women. I was able to have a such an amazing relationship with two of my YW's leaders because of it.


Thanks for the encouragement :)

Pam, I can't believe he'll be home that soon, time flies, especially since I'm not his mom!

Hiroko, thankfully most of the kids at church speak English, they pick it up quickly once they reach school. For the really little kids we have a teacher who speaks Spanish and English, thankfully. Thanks for letting me know about your YW experience, I know my daughter's is much different than mine was.

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