It was a beautiful day today, Mother Nature's way of making up for 8 days of rain. Perfect weather for the Rodale farm plant sale. They are the first organic farm, since 1947, so they're pretty good at it by now. I just happen to live down the street and around the corner, lucky me!
This is what it looked like today, I told you - perfect! It made me happy to be there with my mom and Baby, supporting a great cause, being there with other people who like to get their hands dirty.
As if I weren't already smiling enough I found a pearl of gardening treasure - a yellow pear cherry tomato plant! Hooray! I know, crazy me. My parents grew them, and I could never find them here. I once saw a guy eating one at a local nursery and got excited, when I asked about them he said a friend of his propigated his own every year from the previous year's seeds. But that he couldn't find where to purchase the seeds anywhere in his catalogs. Well, now I know, and somebody up in heaven can put a little extra polish on Mr. Rodale's crown in heaven.
(This is the picture I will take in about 2 months!)
Another treasure we found is Soloman's seal. Beautiful shady plant, especially this time of year when it is in bloom- I don't know how you could pass up this plant. Mom and I snatched up the last one, as we were walking away a man commented about how pretty they are, turns out he works there, we chatted with him about how great a plant they are.
Before I plant it I have to bless the ground so it will grow and be happy. Yet curse the ground against any varmits. The spot I want to plant it in has been a happy hunting ground for digging creatures. Not moles, but mice, squirrels, etc. Believe me now and hear me later, I will shed blood if they kill my plant. (Anybody catch that Hanz and Franz reference?) They killed a white bleeding heart I planted there last year.
We also purchased rosemary and oak leaf lettuce in a varigated color. Then we set loose on the bookstore :) Mom bought an organic gardening book for me (The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch) and I purchased booklets about natural headache remedies and the Rodale institute walking tour. The walking tour will have to wait for another day though, as A & J had a half day of school, so we had to hussle back.
This evening Mom helped me roto till, we'll finish that tomorrow and plant. Maybe I'll take pictures. OK, you know I will, I'm such a show off.
In the midst of all this gardening goodness my sister Cammie sent Mother's Day goodies to Mom and I. Thank you, thank you!
I was so excited to find heirloom yellow pear cherries this year too! My plant is so heavy and full! I sit at the window seat with my morning tea before lessons and will them to ripen!
Posted by: Dani | May 09, 2009 at 01:15 PM
That's funny, we have always grown them and had no problem finding them. I tried starting mine from seed this year and so far we are doing OK. We had peas and radishes from our garden in a salad yesterday.
How is the visit with Mom going?
Posted by: readerMom | May 09, 2009 at 08:25 PM