This seems a fitting thing to do on my birthday. Considering that I'm only 36 years old today, it is strange to feel like the girls in these photos aren't really me. It is like a dream I had, or book I read. Yet I remember things about the photos that are intimately a part of my psyche. A tablecloth from my 2nd birthday hung around our house well into my teen years. A book I was given on another birthday was well loved and worn by the time it was dispatched. I remember the pioneer dress in my 1st grade picture, I think I even wore it with a bonnet for a pioneer day celebration at church. And those hairstyles, whoa boy, they were crafted out of the finest of my teenage years, as silly as they may look.
For today there isn't a picture. Though I did get a whole makeover of sorts - highlights in my hair and a cut, went to the mall and bought a new shirt or three. The gifts were overwhelming, as well as the happy wishes through email, phone calls and facebook, Thank You! I am very blessed and happy in my life. So much so that it feels impossible to take it all in and enjoy it. Like my eyes aren't big enough to capture the moment, much like a camera lens never catches the totality of the experience it records either.
my mom pregnant with me
2nd birthday
3rd birthday
First grade
Jr. High
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade - Master's Award
Engagement photo
At a wedding June 1997
By the highway in Utah, 2005
Ready to burst with Baby, Mother's Day 2007
2009 with Baby
I just had a shocking thought. What if one of these pics end up in one of those horrid, 'check out these stupid hairstyles' emails that get passed around? Not getting any comments on this particular post may make me feel stupider than any other.
I think you're all hiding out there snickering at me!
Posted by: jendoop | June 20, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Even if I should have said "more stupid" instead of "stupider". It still doesn't justify the laughing.
Posted by: jendoop | June 20, 2009 at 11:26 PM
I remember the art work in the 11th grade picture. Springville right? I would never laugh at 80s/90s hair. I have my own photos.
Posted by: Dani | June 20, 2009 at 11:54 PM
Hey happy birthday! Sorry it is delayed, but now your birthday lasted a bit longer! I hope it was great!
Posted by: Becky | June 23, 2009 at 12:47 AM