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June 03, 2009


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It's only Wednesday isn't it. I just went to the website and was getting irritated I couldn't find you. I guess I need to read more carefully and look at a calendar occasionally.
Me in ten words would be very similar to yours, I think sometimes these broad labels don't apply, because as much as I am a woman, wife, mother, mormon, sister, friend, thinker, reader, gardener, lazybutt. I have a lot of characteristics that are different from others who might have a similar list of words. Especially those who think a "Mormon" woman is a cliche have never experienced the range of who Mormon women can be.


It is there now.

You are right Kathy, I think defining yourself in 10 words does result in alot of cliches being thrown around. Keeping that in mind, it remains interesting.


Oh I'd say I'm also a Mormon Woman.

But then I'd add happy, mother, wife, daughter of God and parents, sincere, fun, spiritual, spontaneous and it's a tie between smart and cute - because I can be both.

What a great introduction to mormonwoman.org. I hope you saw in the comments over there that I really loved your essay.

Thanks for sharing it.


I'm a Mormon, daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend, writer, brainstormer, networker, amateur musician

And I loved this post.

And to Kathy, I think part of why the Mormon Women site exists is to show how varied we are in our interests, talents, and life circumstances -- and yet, to show how common threads of belief are woven through our lives.

Maybe it would be interesting to do a list of 10 words that describe roles, talents, or interests, and then another 10 words that are more like adjectives. (Not that I have any right to come change your game...just thinking about how a simple activity like this could reflect the variation between women who have similar roles in their lives.)

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