Its the end of vacation so I'm becoming reacquainted with what the world is up to so that it doesn't bowl me over when I go through re-entry.
There was a gun control proposal up for vote, PA's own Arlen Specter (who recently became a democrat while still representing those who voted for his republican stances) was one of the deciding votes. This article, especially the second half, makes solid statements about upholding this important Constitutional Amendment.
Tips for flying with kids. SHUDDER! I get all 4 to myself, let's cross our fingers that there are TVs on this flight too.
My Neurologist is a beekeeper and has a collection of honey in collectable bottles from all over the world in his office. At my last appt he mentioned that he doesn't have any honey from Utah, and would I mind getting some for him on my trip? After I left the office I realized this is a huge hole in his collection, how could he not have honey from The Beehive State?! So tomorrow I'll go to Miller's Honey to get a cute jar of honey for him, I hope they have the beehive jars in stock. My in-laws love Miller's cream honey, yummy!
When I get home there is a good chance that I'll lapse into a sleep coma. I have tried to make the most of our time here and the result will be a dead woman if I don't stop soon. Just chalk it up to poor self-control and a lack of realistic expectations.
After all the junk we've eaten I'm surprised I still fit into my jeans. Tomorrow we'll have to visit Crown Burger, the last on our list of "must eat in Utah". Then I'll start on a new fitness regimen, or stop eating cheeseburgers, chocolate, and ice cream... on a daily basis.
R's MP3 player died just before we left, so I gave her mine. I've survived without it on vacation (thanks to 101.9 the end, there is nothing like it in PA!) but will start looking for a replacement once we get home. We use Napster so my choices are limited, suggestions?
Can I just burn the clothes that we've used here? That way I'll have less luggage to carry and no laundry to wash when we get home!
Several things:
1. I have never heard of Crown Burger. And have lived here for 3 years. So - is this something I need to do in the next few months?
2. I would totally burn the clothes. Or DI. Or KSL. Or whatever.
3. You flying alone with 4 kids? I had a choice to fly alone with 3 in a few weeks and passed that right up. You = brave.
4. Clicking on the gun control article right now. It blows my mind how people believe that amendment is outdated and wrong.
Posted by: Julie P | July 27, 2009 at 01:32 PM
Crown Burger = yummy. AKA Apollo Burger, etc. It's a burger with pastrami, mmmmm... high blood pressure. CB is particularly close to my heart though because I went to high school just down the street.
Posted by: Jendoop | July 30, 2009 at 08:03 PM