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July 08, 2009


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I know a number of LDS people who are skeptical of therapy for this very reason. Psychologists have a reputation for telling people their religion is the problem, instead of working through the religion to find answers.
I know I would only trust a therapist I found through LDS social services, and even then I would have trust issues for a while.
But then I have trust issues for most things anyway.


"Yet, in our little struggling branch I feel overwhelmed and unsuccessful at helping people change their lives."
Yet your success is that you were willing to offer help, and have a heart to do so. Christ offered a gift to all of Heavenly Father's children; yet sadly few have accepted it.
Thanks for having a desire to help others in their struggles and a heart for the work.
In as much as ye have done it unto the least these ye have done it unto me.


I know of two therapists who counsel incredibly well using a balance of both psychology and religion. Although my school counselor only counseled me with psychology, she played a huge role in my emotional health as a teenager. It's not fruitless nor futile. A simple act of compassion on a teen can impact them years later as an adult. You're amazing!

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