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August 27, 2009


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I felt that way when we were in the cabin in the Uintahs. I looked around that tiny house and thought of my ancestors fitting all they had and kids in such a place. The idea of selling 95% of our possessions and moving into a three room house seemed liberating. Until I mentioned it to David who gave me a "is this the pregnancy talking and can I just pretend you didn't say that" look. But it is nice to think about.


I'm all for getting rid of flotsam and jetsom, but not my washing machine! (It broke last week along with the dishwasher).


That was the perfect way to end the post! I love your attitude! I'll be thinking about when I'm tackling the huge laundry pile that's waiting for me upstairs. ;)


This is such a fun post. Love your pictures! My mom, who was born over 100 years ago and grew up without electricity, said that she believed our lives are A LOT harder and more stressful today. Even though she worked hard cooking, washing clothes by hand, cleaning, milking cows and gardening, she said that women had fewer expectations (because Project Runway was not available, or t.v. for that matter). There was a greater sense of community, communion with nature, and a sense of family connectedness. Although I enjoy conveniences of modern-day technology, I believe a simpler life is something worth striving for today. The more I dejunk my mind, my house, and my life, the happier I feel.

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