We packed up with friends bright and early yesterday morning to get to the shore in our non-air conditioned van before the heat would bake us. It wasn't very crowded when we got there but they quickly made their way. If dogs weren't outlawed on the beach, it would have been us with everybody and their dog. It detracts only a little from the experience, you just have to get into that East coast mentality of being packed like sardines while pretending you're the only one that exists. The umbrellas are pretty though.
The theme of the day was sand. Baby was covered in it, head to foot all day (look at the picture up close). I did clean her off sporadically but it was ridiculous to even try. A. was so sand drenched that there is a pile of it embedded between her outer swimsuit fabric and the lining.
Ready for her close up. That's called the cheesey face, she makes it when Mom pulls out the camera. This time it really is cheesey because she had Cheetos.
Whenever the kids could pull me away they would beg me to attend them so they could play in the deeper surf. My kiddos have never been really into swimming so yesterday when they wanted to get into it, it made me happy. Besides, since I was out there anyway I had a little fun myself (perks of motherhood). The glaring exception in this was my youngest and the oldest. R was upset about something, most likely that a friend didn't call, so she refused to get in the water (no, it wasn't the common female problem). Baby also didn't want to touch the water, the surf scared her. Advantage Mommy though, because I just picked up her little body and went out. Can't do that with R, she's taller than me. They did all have fun playing in the sand. Success!
J. and his friend Ja. found a big hole that someone dug and then abandoned. It was the greatest thing of the day (even though I spent $20 on amusement rides).
This type of sand castle is R.'s specialty. You dribble wet sand and it forms peaks, then she carves tunnels into it. Baby was so intrigued that she watched long enough to figure out how to make them too.
We arrived home at 11:30pm. It was a 16 hour day, full to the brim with fun.