Almost a month ago I wrote an essay for about faith and miracles. As sometimes happens, the essay just didn't fit in the schedule for a while. Today this essay, that deals with some issues which are very personal, is posted.
It is not a coincidence that on the same day my own essay reminds me of faith and hope, I receive a new calling at church. It took a huge amount of faith to accept this calling. With all that is happening in my life, it was a leap of faith to say "yes". That scene from the 3rd Indiana Jones movie comes to mind - the one where Indiana has to step into what looks like a giant chasm, but there turns out to be an optical illusion and there really is a rock bridge under his feet.
I feel like I've just taken the step, but my foot hasn't landed on solid ground yet. I don't know that I can do this calling, stay healthy, take care of my family, and continue with college classes. I don't know at all. But I have faith.
"faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." Alma 32:21
I believe that God knows what is going on with my body and will lead me to get the help I need to serve him. I also know that God, through his servants (my church leaders), has asked me to serve him in this specific way - in a calling that demands not only faithful understanding of the gospel but also that I be an example.
Honestly, I'm scared, I don't have a perfect knowledge of how this will work out. I do know it won't be easy, even the stake counselor that called me told me as much.
What I do know is what I've learned from my previous callings. I know that God will help me accomplish more than I could ever do without him. I know that God can help me serve while being ill, or he can heal me. I know that I have choices, I can change my life to fit what God asks of me. I know that my husband is supportive and loving, that he will help me manage. I know God will help and bless my family in ways I can't see now. I know that I will have wonderful uplifting, and fun, experiences serving as the 2nd counselor in the stake young women's presidency.