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October 01, 2009


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And you still manage to write coherent and helpful blog posts, you are a superwoman to me. And there is something weird with your post the script is double posting or something.
Love you. I put your name on the temple rolls Sat.


I am hesitant to offer a suggestion because I don't know you personally and everyone's body, pain, and suffering is SO different. However, here are a couple of ideas that may or may not be helpful. I've had a LOT of pain this past year, and in desparation (and with skepticism) tried acupuncture. It helped me a lot. Perhaps it's worth considering. Also, I learned how to meditate and practice mindfulness and that has decreased my stress and pain considerably.


readermom thanks as always for your love and support.

Carol, I appreciate that you shared your experiences. I'm sorry you've been dealing with pain too.

Acupuncture isn't off my radar, but the biggest factor is cost. It isn't covered by my insurance, it's $75 a session and the Dr. recommends that I start at one session a week. That is a lot of money when we are already paying insurance premiums and deductable and braces for my teenage daughter. I've done acupressure in the past with some success.

Yoga has also helped in the past, it is very relaxing. I worry about continuing it now because of the joint hypermobility. I don't know where my own body's healthy limits of flexibiliy are.

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