There is a meeting at my house tomorrow. So today I wrote "Clean!" on my calendar page. I found this stuff while I procrastinated instead-
Disgusting meat head for Halloween, or anytime you want to make your guests sick so they don't eat too much of your food.
Re-write your world.
Evil mad scientists share their wealth of knowledge with us all.
Martha has us all beat at Halloween creativity, this is what happens when you have sweat shops of crafters at your beck and call.
This is the ghost costume I'd like to make for J. But I don't want to pay for the pattern or kill myself following detailed directions. So we'll see how I can short-cut and guess my way through it.
I've already started A's vampire costume. I did give in and buy a pattern, it's a cute princess pattern but I'm doing it in black. That's my way of dealing with the fact that A. doesn't want to be something cutsie this year.
OK, ok, I'll go clean now.
I lie, I'm going to take a nap as soon as Baby dozes off.
My visiting teachers just called this month. I think that is a score in my book because I didn't have to clean. But I haven't started the costumes yet. I see some late nights in my future.
Posted by: readerMom | October 20, 2009 at 12:49 PM