Isn't this week between Christmas and New Year's like Land of the Lost or something? It's just weird. When I worked as a pay-by-the-hour employee I always had to work, and thought the whole world was pooping on me (ahhh, retail at the holidays). Now that I don't have to work on this week I just don't know what to do with myself. (I know, being a mom is work, but if you don't have to deal with school, it's time off.) What a great opportunity to get things done! But it's vacation, are you kidding me?
I keep staying up later and later, adding another movie each day. Although I sleep through the family showing between 3-5 pm. Today it was the kids playing the demo of Little Big Planet, not a movie. They have watched Night at the Museum several times. Right now they're finishing up Around the World in 80 Days (modern version). The newest Harry Potter flick arrived from Netflix yesterday, how have we let more than 24 hours go by without watching it?!
Baby is getting better and better at her covert food sneaking skills. Just now I caught her with two peppermint Joe-Joes that Jason and Kasey sent. Yes, I took them from her. Such delicacies should not be wasted on a 2 year old. Then she went for the bubbles. Then she went for the chocolate. We have so much junk food lying around it's hard to find hiding places for it. So it lays about. Right in front of my face, where I stuff it in. The kids regularly ask, "Can I have a cookie.. candy.. etc.?" And I have to keep a straight face while trying to swallow a dove caramel chocolate and tell them, "No!" I promise, I'll get a handle on the problem right after New Years.
Yesterday I enlisted the kids' help and took out the mountain of recycling and trash. I mentally nagged my husband - "Why in the world did you have to forget to take it out the week before Christmas!" Then this enlightening bit of info popped into my mind: "He's working late tonight you ungrateful wife!" DH is working 4 days this week because a client is in town. So it's not just punching the clock, it's someone looking over his shoulder for the 10 hour work day. He does get a couple of nice dinners out on the town, but I know we all agree that being at home watching movies in your sloppy clothes is better. Thanks DH.
Yesterday we returned a few things to Target. It was easier than I anticipated. Today A. used her Build a Bear gift card from Grandma and Grandpa P. I bought a few new clothes with my Christmas money from them. Then we went grocery shopping. See, I am doing a few useful things. Baby's diaper is being changed and meals are being made too, dinner anyway. And you know with all that chocolate being consumed I am scared of missing a workout, so that continues like clockwork.
Eventually we'll get back to real life, what a shock it will be. 6 am seminary starts on January 4th. By then I may have changed my sleep schedule enough that I can take the kids to seminary and then go to bed for the night.
Happy Lost Week!
Most of our goodies are gone but I am struggling with how much Wii and computer to let my boys have. They would play morning 'til night if I let them. I kick them off and they lay around sulking.
Posted by: readerMom | December 29, 2009 at 08:48 PM
We're the same way - no chores have been done, the kids are playing on the tv (movies, wii) way too much, we're snacking on too much junk and I'm staying up too late. But I think it's okay. It's back to school Monday so we can get back to the routine then. Regular bedtimes tonight though since church starts at 9:00 now!
Posted by: Amanda D | January 02, 2010 at 12:23 PM