Baby has this silly thing she does, when she says "thank you" she automatically follows it up with "welcome". So when she says thank you it comes out, "thank you welcome" all pushed together like one phrase. We've tried to correct her but she's insistent.
This evening for dinner she wanted to say the prayer. "Heavenly Father, thank you for food, welcome..." there was a pause and then we heard "CRUNCH!" Then I started laughing. She was on her way to saying the prayer all by herself, unprompted, and I was getting a little misty over it. But she put an abrupt halt to that feeling by saying 'welcome' for God, and with her sudden need to have a bite of pretzel. Not exactly the best food to try and sneak a bite of during the prayer.
You gotta love kids, never a dull moment.
Several of our kids did that too. I figured it was a sign of our good parenting. They were learning to say your welcome as well as thank you. I'm always slightly sad when those cute verbal tics go away.
Posted by: readerMom | February 01, 2010 at 03:54 PM