~Philadelphia temple plans are moving forward! I can't wait to see the artist's rendering of what it will look like. It's so good to know the current administration seems excited about the temple. The previous mayor was a little more shady (glad he's moved on), and the city is desperate for those tourism dollars. Not to mention the $75 million they say the building will cost, that's a lot of jobs. It's officially on the church site now also.
~This morning I got my own copy of the new personal progress booklet! Great spiral binding, wonderful scripture index to mark which ones you've read, explanations of beehive, miamaid, laurel, beautiful and thoughtful in every detail. The edges of each value page is color coded to match the value, it's pretty and it makes each section easier to find. Kudos to the design team!
~I got an A on my Anthropology course. Of course the down side of that is that I probably spent too much time on it. Last year I only completed 2 classes. While one of them was a writing-intense English class, the fact remains that I can't go at that pace or I'll run out of time (8 year limit). Thus the "Study" on my daily goal list.
~Mormon Times linked to one of my posts on Mormonwomen.org! (third one down with the title 'Honor him') This makes me think that maybe I should begin to use my last name on some of my writing. It is a double edged sword, you worry about the whole identity theft/stalker angle but if I want to do more writing I have to get my name out there. And Jendoop just ain't gonna cut it.
~I am officially the editor of the Co-op newsletter. There was a previous editor - who wasn't willing to publish a newsletter monthly, dragging her feet on many things, great at graphics - that officially bowed out via email last week. I never even met her, it was awkward. While the Co-op is a small community operation it looks great on a resume, establishes community contacts, gets my name out there, and serves the community in an area I am passionate about - FOOD!
~Moving to the new ward (AKA congregation). Yes, this is on my list of good things. I wouldn't say that I'm jumping for joy, but yesterday at church I got a little of that 'you've overstayed your welcome' kind of feel (not that anyone treated me differently, everyone was very loving). It's time to step out of the way and let the Latinos run with it. Yes, it will still be awkward going into a new ward, but I'll just take it a step at a time, being friendly all the way. Really the part I'm dragging my feet about now is that DH and I have intense callings with Sunday responsibilities. Every week will require shuffling, scheduling, and sacrifice of family time. And I thought this change would make life easier.
Love this post, Jen! Your happiness shines through. How exciting for a new temple. Good luck with the studies. Congrats on the writing.
Posted by: Amanda D | January 12, 2010 at 11:02 AM