It is the wee hours of the day. Early, early. Actually late, late. If I stay up a bit longer it would be my normal wake up time. Does everyone do this? Delude themselves into thinking that hours not slept are hours stolen from the clock? Whatever it is I'm here. Restless and wishing something during my day had been exciting enough to put me to sleep at the end.
I've been riding waves of Mormon Literature, surfing on the net. It's surprising that there is so much available. So much I'm ignorant of and glad to find available without cost to someone far from "Zion". I like the availability, my curiosity and desire for learning about it couldn't be satisfied otherwise, but I miss the physical proximity to others wading in the genre. Not only the thoughts and concepts, but the satisfying sound of words, the body language, the silent pauses.
"Meditation is a serious intention of the mind whereby we come to search out the truth, and settle it effectually on the heart." - Thomas Hooker
While reading a post at The Red Brick Store I found links and suggested readings. This isn't Ensign article stuff, but I wouldn't say it's apostate either. It's where doctrine meets life, true and messy. But not messy in form, such beautiful writing. Tonight I've searched out Mary L. Bradford. After reading her work I believe there is a real future in writing about being Mormon. And by future I don't mean earning power, I mean future as in, many avenues to pursue and meditations to be considered without casting stones at my beliefs.
Mary Bradford said:
"Essay is a logical extention of testimony."
"The way a thing is said is ultimately what is said."
And she wrote this great essay about Mormon Personal Essay, "I, Eye, Aye".
I've got learning to do. It might happen better on more sleep though.