Recently we found out that our youngest daughter's birth had not been recorded with our church. Today DH is attempting to fix that but he needed the date of Baby's blessing (similar to a christening, but it's not baptism). I couldn't think of it off the top of my head, cudos to you if you can, so I went searching through our important papers.
I keep papers. I come from a family of hoarders but I think I've toned it down a little. I don't keep every paper, I keep important papers. DH and I might disagree about what an important paper is. He would say this year's receipts for taxes are important papers. I'd say that the good bye card I got from my Colorado friend Stephanie is an important paper. Here's a little of what she wrote to me back in 2006:
"I'm sending you off with 2 things people have said to me that I will always remember - both of which sum up how I'm feeling right now. First- you've been such a blessing in my life, and second - it's going to suck without you... I hope your new adventure will be wonderful - and that you get to be still and enjoy it for a while. Thank you for your friendship and your wisdom and sharing so many things and eating M&Ms with me until the bottom of the bag! I'll think of you every time I see an almond!"
It is written on a beautiful notecard from Russia, where she served her mission. This simple piece of paper reminds me of Stephanie and the times we had together. How could I not be inspired to be a good friend after re-reading her note?
I keep thank you cards too, even if it's only the card and a named signed at the bottom. Today I found one that thanked me for helping with a Super Saturday craft day but the signature was so scribbled I don't know who it was from. I've helped with so many Super Saturdays that that info doesn't narrow it down a whole lot either!
There are also thank you cards from young women, those are especially precious to me now. Several from girls that I helped with their personal progress. I received my medallion at the same time as three of them because we were all working on it. Now one of them is married, one on a mission, one is about to graduate from college. It makes me feel old, but more importantly it reminds me to serve diligently in my callings because I can make a difference in someone's life.
Then there was this, from a young woman that I went to girl's camp with a few years ago. She made it and gave it to me as a thank you.
It says, "Proverbs 31:10 'Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.' Thank you Sister P."
What I didn't find out until later is that this young woman's parents had recently gotten divorced. Her mother had left the church and there was great pain and turmoil in their family. When I found that out it wrenched my heart, this note seemed more precious than gold, and made me wish I had hugged that girl a few more times that week of camp.
You can guess that reading through just one folder of my important papers meant I needed another important paper - a tissue. I cried as I read through the interactions I've had with wonderful people over the years. What a great life I have and how blessed I am to have had opportunities across the country to get to know people who have blessed my life and I have, in return, helped just a little. Life is good.
Oh, I did eventually find a record of Baby's blessing day. It was beautifully done by a friend, without it I wouldn't have such a detailed record of that day. I should write her a thank you note.
Tell me about your notes from the past!
Are any from me?