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February 22, 2010


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you are really blessed to be surrounded by kind, forgiving people


"I think she just has different priorities than productive people" That made me laugh, thanks.
David and I talk about this sometimes, that being taught from an early age to be kind isn't the norm and people live like they've been taught. I am grateful for these kinds of teachings.


Forgiveness is truly one of the most healing gifts that we can give ourselves. It takes a lot of negative energy to hold grudges, and even when we have been deeply wounded by another, part of our healing is letting go of the grudge and turning judgment over to the Lord. I, too, was meditating about whether or not I had forgiven everyone in my past, and thankfully discovered that I had. What a freeing experience!


Thanks so much for sharing that. I think I needed it.
Also, if anyone is interested. I have the contact people for the genetic testing at the University of Utah if any would like to be tested. I was tested and glad for it!


Thank you for such a uplifting post!


I'm glad you appreciated this post, I shed a few tears while writing it.

Becky, I'm interested in the U of U info for next time I visit Utah, thanks.


I'm so grateful for your wisdom, both here and in our earlier e-mail!


What a nice post to write, a day before the day that would have your Grandpa's birthday (Feb 23).


I also enjoyed the read here,how sweet and forgiveness is truly a blessing of freedom! See ya soon.


Hi - Loved your story about your husband using a wooden spoon on the Teflon pan (tisk tisk :). I represent DuPont and this is exactly the type of information I try to share with people online. So, thank you for sharing with your readers.

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