This world is a mess. There isn't a fix. By that I mean that life is meant to be messy with no easy answers. Yes, this is finally roosting in my brain after 36 years of life. And you know what? It doesn't freak me out and make me hyperventilate. Maybe that's why I can finally let it roost in the cobwebs between my ears. There is no shiny handy dandy all done with this ugly hot mess. If someone tells you otherwise they're sellin' something (buy me some too).
There is no "fixed". Not here. Not now. There are opportunities to help - Not to fix!- to HELP. You don't have to make it all better. Just hold someone's hand.
Think about it while you read this (a link I stole from my sister - see that's not fixed either, I still borrow her stuff without askin').
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