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March 20, 2010


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I worked with a man who with is wife fostered children just to foster, not to adopt. THeir children had grown and were out of the house. When I asked him about it, he said that he and his wife had been blessed with so much, they wanted to share this with children/youth who might not ever have the blessings they had. Truly amazing perspective.
They had quite a few children come live with them over a period of years and then return home again but with new skills and vision for healthy living.
That you can do this, is truly a wonderful gift for those coming in...as well as for your family.


This sounds like a wonderful thing to do. I've always been curious about foster parenting and look forward to reading about your experiences.


Thanks for your support and encouragement Lusche and Gretchen. I keep waiting for someone to tell us we're crazy and to get a nice vacation home instead!

I want to clarify something that could be misunderstood. I am not against adoption, not at all. But I feel it is most appropriate for a child that is orphaned, not a child who is orphaned by the legal system. This world is very complicated and messy, so the solutions will be difficult and imperfect. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, especially when an invaluable soul is at stake.


I haven't checked in on you in quite a while, I'm excited to hear about your new adventure! Fostering is something I have always wanted to do. I'm excited to hear more about your journey and the discoveries you make. My Dad ans Step Mom fostered as I was growing up and one of my "foster" sisters is still a dear friend! It was a choice experience and that I truly believed enriched not just her life, but mine as well!


Harlene, It's so good to hear from you! You've been posting so seldom I haven't checked up on you in a while either. Thanks for your support. It is so good to hear from a child who was a foster sibling. Your good experience encourages me!


Congrats on your decision to foster. Good luck with it!
Are you hoping to adopt through this journey? Will you take all age ranges?
I've thought about foster care...it's a big step to take. I think you'll do great, and I'm excited to follow the journey!


Oh my word! This IS big news. I'm glad that you posted about it and hope that you'll share some of your experiences. I think that you and DH will learn a lot through this adventure and I know that what you learn will be used to benefit those in your circle of influence, not to mention those children whose lives will be better with you in it, even if for a short time.


I'm proud of you, and scared for you, and worried about you, praying for you, love you!

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